Tuesday, 12 February 2013

A Nagging Feeling

Photography is kind of like an addiction. You obsess about the idea for a photograph in your head and it keeps nagging until you do something about it. I had ideas's for a photoshoot in old vintage wedding gowns along a kind of Pre Raphaelite feel. As it turned out we got a jilted Mrs Haversham from the book Great Expectations, a bit of a Blair Witch number and a John Waterhouse/Aussie kind of picture.

 Most of the gowns came from Grandma Takes A Trip based in Sydney, a Vintage & Retro boutique with some of the most amazing clothes that are sourced from all over the world, an Aladdin's cave.  Yes in went a gown that is not a wedding gown, but how could I resist. Grace who lives locally was able to be  my ephemeral model and manage to fit into my Nana's tiny size 6(possibly 4) wedding gown from the 1930's. Lucky for me my mother treasured it (unlike her own gown which was cut up for my sisters primary school end of year concert and reincarnated into a ballerina costume)

A local Northern Beaches reserve was the backdrop. I didn't want it too contrived but  rather more like an unfolding process. The light was that special hour just before sunset, the "golden hour", with long shadows, backlit grass.
So thank you Grace and Mark...it was a lovely day.

JW Waterhouse inspired with Aussie setting

Nana's tiny dress

Mrs Haversham from Great Expectations

Bit of a Blair Witch feel, love the dress, not sure where originated Russian?

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